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A Rabbi, a cantor, and a synagogue president were driving to a seminar when they were kidnapped. The hijackers asked the three of them to hand over all of their money and jewelery. When they replied that they hadn’t any, the hijackers told them that immediately after their last wishes were fulfilled, they would be killed.
“My last wish,” began the Rabbi, is to give a fascinating, complicated, long sermon that I have always wanted to but never been allowed to give.”
“We will grant your wish,” the hijackers replied.
“My last wish,” said the cantor, “is to sing a beautiful, Yemenite style song, one of my own compositions lasting two hours. I have never been allowed to sing it.”
“We’ll let you sing it,” replied the hijackers.
“What is your last wish,” the hijackers asked the shul president.
“Please, please shoot me now.”